Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Aztecs the use of prisoners

       The Aztecs treated their prisoners. By that they where able to pay off their debts or they get sacrifice for the god that they believed in that need human blood and human hearts. That they sacrifice of lot of their slaves like every year. To become a slave you had to break the rulers or fight against the Aztec. But when it came to the sacrifice they did it on the Temple of Blood. Where the temple had a lot of blood stains.
Prisoners labour

How the Aztecs sacrifice

Today prisoners have it better then how the Aztecs slaves or prisoners had it. Because they didn't get sacrifice. But today prisoners are able to have a better life even if they are in prison. They are able to work out. In some states the prisoners doesn't do much because they just stay there and doesn't do much. But in different states they have to work. But they get paid for the amount of hours they work on a job. But the prisoners are able to learn things and able to spend their time in jail getting money for working.

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